Leyla Brown: Here to Help You Cut Through the Noise

Leyla Brown, reporting for duty! My mission here at Essay-Reviews is to entertain you and help you out with insightful, information-packed blog posts.
Ann Bowling
Blog posts under the belt
Words written
Years at Essay-Reviews
Years of experience in blog writing

My Journey to Essay Reviews (So Far)

Leyla Brown

"I’ve always known I want my life to be all about sharing with other people: sharing information and insights that can make a difference in their lives, that is. That’s why I pursued a degree in Communications at Stanford and got my Master’s in Journalism from Northwestern.Soon enough, though, I realized that traditional journalism doesn’t appeal to me: it simply doesn’t square with what people my age are interested in. So, I became a blog writer – and soon enough, I started sharing my insights with students at EssayReviews."

Ann Bowling

What I’m All About

Practice-driven tips in every blog post

Be it comparing AI writing tools or organizing a cocktail party, I keep my eyes on the target: giving you real, actionable tips to help you achieve whatever it is you’ve set out to do. So, if I’m writing about AI writing tools, be sure: I’ve tried them all myself. And if I break down how to organize a party, I probably rely on my student experience, too!

Curiosity and exploration driving my writing

I don’t think you can be a good writer without being curious. So, I spend my free time exploring what the world has to offer and what my readers discuss online, too. Thanks to my inherent curiosity, I always have a relatable example on hand to spice up my pieces – and to drive my point home every time.

Speaking your language, not your professors’

I know you must be sick of academic writing. So, I don’t try to sound like my blog post is yet another essay or, god forbid, term paper. I avoid the formal tone of voice like it’s a plague because I think it actually is. Instead, I write the way I’d speak to a close friend from back when I was a student myself.

No nonsense, only straight-to-the-point writing

Ever felt bored by the first couple of sentences and closed the tab without even scrolling down? Yeah, I’ve been there, too. I know attention is precious these days, even more so than before. So, I cut straight to the chase in my writing. No filler phrases, no beating around the bush. You won’t need to waste your energy on separating the important from nonsense when reading my blog posts!

A Few Testimonials About My Work

Essay Reviews
Leyla’s work is super-helpful
Leyla’s work is super-helpful, keep it up! Her guide on AI writing tools really saved me: I was about to spend tons of money on one tool, but her blog post helped me find a better alternative. I also love how well-organized her writing is; finding what you’re looking for is a breeze in her blog posts!
Lisa P.
June 12, 2024
Essay Reviews
Interesting texts
A shoutout to Leyla, she’s probably my favorite writer at Essay-Reviews. She always has something practical to share; there are no boring sentences or sections in her posts. I don’t know how she does it, but she really hooks the reader from the start. Can you get her to write more for your blog? I think I’m not the only one who’ll appreciate her posts.
Rick T.
June 4, 2024
Essay Reviews
Very cool writing style
Leyla knows what’s what, I’ll give her that. And she’s so down-to-earth in her writing, I love it. I don’t like it when I read something and I feel being talked down to. With her style, there’s no chance of that happening. Not to mention any blog post of hers is full of practical advice, so I can rely on it without second-guessing myself.
Caroline F.
May 23, 2024

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