What Most Ultius Reviews Have to Say

Based on 450+ reviews about Ultius available online, the writing service has an average rating of 3.8/5, which places it at #18 in the overall ranking of custom writing companies.
Most clients appreciate Ultius’ quality of writing but not the prices.

Leyla Brown
Essay-Reviews.com writer
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Released on November 2021 - Updated on November 23, 2023 🔥
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Ultius.com Review

Ease of Use

Ultius has a great rating in some aspects but not others. According to clients’ reviews, the quality of the papers Ultius’ writers deliver is generally good; you don’t need to worry, is Ultius legit? However, communication with the support team and the prices are quite disappointing.

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Is Ultius a Reliable Custom Writing Service?

If you check Ultius.com reviews available online, you’ll see that, for the most part, Ultius is a reliable service. Most clients receive their papers on time, and the quality is decent, if not outstanding. Seeing as quality is one of the biggest issues in the academic writing industry, that’s a critical advantage.

However, that’s not always the case. Some clients do receive their papers way after the due time, which, in turn, affects their ability to submit them when they need to. A few reviews also complain about Ultius’ customer support, claiming it’s unresponsive and slow.

Most importantly, almost every Ultius review mentions Ultius’ questionable pricing. It’s way higher than the industry average, and the customer experience you get when ordering from Ultius isn’t worth that much.

To double-check reviews, we tested Ultius by ordering a paper there.

First Look at Ultius: Top Pros and Cons

Our experience ordering a 5-page essay for this Ultius.com review has revealed the following perks and drawbacks of the service:



Cooperation with Ultius Writers

Ultius is one of the more expensive custom writing services, which suggests that everything about it should be immaculate—the quality of Ultius writing, the customer support team, communication between the writer and the client, and so on. Sadly, in our experience, that’s not the case, especially regarding writer-client cooperation.

When we first placed our order for a 5-page graduate-level business ethics essay, we attached detailed instructions that the writer was supposed to follow when writing the order. To ensure they checked those, we texted the writer and asked if everything was clear and whether or not they needed any clarifications.

The reply never came, and judging by other clients’ reviews on writers at Ultius we’ve seen online, that’s pretty standard for this service. This is very disappointing, seeing as many students, especially first-time clients of writing services, are worried about their orders.

It’s the writer’s responsibility to reassure them so they don’t wait anxiously for hours or even days. The Ultius writer’s blatant unwillingness to communicate with us was unacceptable.

How to Order Your Paper From Ultius Custom Writing Service

Ordering your essay from Ultius is a no-brainer. All you need to do is enter the website and follow the simple steps of placing your order and subscribing to the service.


Enter the website and check out the order form in the upper right corner of your screen.


Select the level of the paper, the deadline, and the number of pages.


Press the “Proceed to order” button.


Select the details of your order from the options provided in the expanded order form, like citation and spacing.


After submitting, the bidding process will start. Look through the bids and choose the writer you need.


Check the “Confirm order details” box.


Indicate your email and phone number, and select the payment method that suits you the best.

Ultius Writers

Ultius Deals and Discounts

Unlike many competitors, Ultius doesn’t have many deals or discounts, which is unfortunate, as it’s one of the most expensive paper writing services. In our view, that’s a very significant drawback, particularly for clients on a student budget who often rely on discounts to make such services more affordable.

However, Ultius does offer a 10% discount code for new customers, which is a modest attempt to make their services more accessible. It may seem like not much, but if you’re ordering a longer and more expensive paper, those 10% make a difference. Still, even with the discount, expect the overall price to be higher than the market average. By no means is Ultius a budget-friendly service.

While Ultius isn’t advertising itself as a particularly affordable service and always emphasizes the quality of writing as opposed to prices, it would still make sense for them to introduce some discounts beyond the 10% off offer for first-time clients. Right now, though, that’s not the case.

Ultius Pricing Structure

The pricing structure at Ultius is determined by four main factors: service type, writer level, deadline, and page count​​​​​​. Prices vary significantly based on these criteria, with costs for a graduate-level writer starting at $26 per page for a 20-day deadline. We had to pay $200 for a 5-page graduate-level essay due in 48 hours. The price will be even higher if you need the paper more urgently.

This pricing is relatively high compared to industry standards, especially considering the additional cost of shorter deadlines and higher academic levels. While the price reflects the company's positioning as a premium service, it makes Ultius a less viable option for those seeking cost-effective academic writing solutions.

Moreover, even with prices as high as Ultius’, the service still finds a way to charge clients even more than it already does. For example, expect to pay an extra 15% if you want a specific writer to complete your paper. Once again, seeing Ultius pricing, this seems a bit petty and isn't a good look for a reputable academic writing company.

And good luck getting an Ultius refund if you’re unhappy with the result. It’s nearly impossible.

Ultius Pricing

Ultius Customer Support Team

Ultius claims to offer 24/7 customer support, but how well they do this can vary. They have different ways to get help, like live chat and FAQs, but sometimes their answers might not feel very personal or might take a while. This can be unpleasant for customers who need quick, specific help, especially since Ultius charges a lot for their services.

Good customer support is important for writing services, so any problems here can worsen the whole experience for customers. Adding to this, the variety of support options offered by Ultius is meant to cater to a broad range of client queries, but this does not always translate to effective problem-solving. The company could benefit from enhancing the training of its support staff and ensuring quicker response times to align with customer expectations.

When we were trying to contact the Ultius support team to double-check whether or not our paper was in progress and if we could expect it on time, we had to wait hours for the support team to connect us with the writer. If you have a tight deadline, that’s a guaranteed source of stress.

Revision Policy and Clients’ Privacy at Ultius

According to the Ultius revision policy, customers can ask for changes to their work for free, but only if they match what was originally requested. Sometimes, there might be extra costs or limits to these changes, which isn't great for people who need a lot of edits.

What’s more, expect a long back and forth with the support team and the writer to prove that what you’re asking for was in the initial instructions. We spent a few hours trying to prove this; it was clear that the writer was doing everything in their power to avoid revising our essay for free.

As to confidentiality concerns, Ultius keeps customer information safe, using strong security steps like two-factor authentication. You have nothing to worry about. However, the revision policy should be more flexible, which is where Ultius falls short.

Ultius Paper Quality: What to Expect

Ultius says they deliver high-quality, exceptionally written papers and check everything carefully. The service promises to follow the customer's requests and ensure everything is original. But sometimes, the quality of the work might not be as good as expected.

The essay that the Ultius writer completed for us was decent. Aside from a few points the writer missed in the instructions (which was why we wanted to have the order revised), the paper was well-written, coherent, and without any major factual or grammatical errors.

However, with Ultius charging more, customers expect top-quality work. Customers should know that while Ultius tries to ensure everything is good, the final work might not always be what they hoped for. Ultius’s commitment to quality is evident, but it’s still not where we’d like to see it, particularly considering the premium clients pay.

Ultius Plagiarism Policy

Ultius is serious about making sure their work is original. They use plagiarism-detecting tools like Copyscape to check every paper before sending it out. This is great for customers who worry about getting work that's not copied. We received the paper with a 100% originality score, which suggests it was fully unique and proves the Ultius plagiarism stance.

That being said, while Ultius's efforts to deliver unique content are a major plus, providing more transparency about their plagiarism-checking process would benefit them, giving clients additional confidence in the authenticity of the work they receive.

And remember - if a writer is great at paraphrasing, no plagiarism checker will catch unoriginal content even if it’s there. So, don’t trust any plagiarism reports blindly.

What Clients’ Reviews Have to Say About Ultius

Similarly to most other writing services, Ultius has mixed reviews. Some are very positive; others match our Ultius company review and outline both the service's perks and drawbacks. There are even a few comments that outright accuse Ultius of academic fraud. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

If you decide to dive deep into Ultius client reviews, pay particular attention to these three things: the quality of writing, communication with the writer and customer support, and the service’s revision and refund policies.

These are the most important criteria for any custom writing service, including Ultius.

The Bottom Line: Does Ultius Deserve Your Trust?

First, if you’re still wondering, “Is using Ultius legal?” the answer is yes. Don’t worry; you won’t get in any legal trouble for using it (although it’s still better not to advertise that you’re using academic writing services unless you want to be accused of violating academic integrity).

At the same time, our test and many Ultius essay reviews you can find online show that you’re better off with a different writing service. The quality of Ultius paper isn’t bad, but it doesn’t match the prices.

So unless you have an unlimited budget, we recommend you go with one of Ultius’ competitors with lower prices yet the same or even better quality.

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Recent feedback from customers

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Nurse Leadership
I ordered a research paper on Nurse Leadership from Ultius. Disappointed with the result; the analysis lacked depth and critical insight. Expected more, given the price. Would not recommend it, especially not for complex healthcare topics.
Lao R.
20 November 2023
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Narrative Techniques in I, Tonya
I got an essay on I, Tonya, from Ultius. It was okay—decent writing, but nothing exceptional. The writer followed the basic requirements but didn't go beyond them. Fine for standard assignments, I guess.
Jessenia S.
11 November 2023
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Post-COVID Workplace
Thoroughly disappointed. I requested a research paper on business ethics, but the content was superficial and not well-researched. Also, the paper was 12 hours late, and I missed the due date. Not worth the high cost.
Jamila O.
29 October 2023

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